Feedback management software

Let customers help guide your product forward

Gather, manage, and close the loop on product feedback - all in one place

Untangle your feedback loop

It's hard to get the most from feedback when it's spread across inboxes, chat logs, and spreadsheets, with no clear structure.

Dashvine lets you bring it all together, so you can spot opportunities and prioritize with confidence, while keeping your customers & teammates in the loop.

See what it looks like

No more duplicates

Let customers vote for and discuss feedback shared by others

Surface the best ideas

Instantly see which ideas would impact the most customers and how important it is to them

Keep customers updated

When you update the status of a post, interested customers are notified automatically

Get the context you need

See who's voting for what and how important each request is to them.

If you need to know more, start conversations around requests to learn what problems customers are trying to solve.

We're working with a few companies as we gear up to launch. If you're looking for a better way to manage product feedback, get involved